Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Finance Tool

There are so many interesting blogs out there! I've been discovering some great ones...mostly personal finance, living more simply and sewing your own clothes. No matter your hobby, apparently there's a blog out there for you!

One cool thing is this neato finance tool to help keep you on track with your net worth. Now, I'm not into the whole "How rich can I possibly get in my lifetime?" mindset. I think it's wise to carefully control your budget and save, but I also know that while I have some money in my savings account, vast amounts of people are sending their children to bed hungry and working very hard to keep a roof over their heads. No matter what, I don't want to forget that fact.

But it is great to keep saving and working toward goals...if only to be able to manage manage well enough to have more and more to give every year. I think this tool could help. It's a simple way to manage how much you have and how much you owe and keep track of that online. See what I mean at www.networthIQ.com.

Of course, you could just do that in excel, but it seems cooler this way.

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