Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seattle Photo Shoot

Well, I took more photos for the cd project and I realized that I really need to spend 10,000 hours on modeling or smiling believably or something. Wow. I am a serious nerd with no photogenic gift. Here are some funny ones. (Please, please laugh at my expense. I think these deserve to make you happy!)

There were some good ones but out of 1000 photographs (taken over 5 hours) there were only a handful of ones that looked natural.
Wow! I had no idea it was so hard to be believably happy. AND I AM A HAPPY PERSON!!

My favorite one of these (I hope I didn't make them too small so you can't appreciate how goofy I look) is the twisted up lips one. It looks like I'm grimacing- probably am, come to think of it.


The Gardner Family said...

The pictures were funny, but besides the interesting poses you looked gorgeous!! Your makeup and outfit were fantastic. I saw you at the tea party and the song was so great, loved it. I looked for you after but I missed you somehow. I haven't gotten to talk to you in forever. Hope you are doing great.. cannot wait for your new CD to come out!!!!

Rhianna said...

Thank you so much for sharing! Those are hillarious.... :) I think we should sit and talk sometime... I feel like it's been ages... I also look forward to your new cd!

kimberley said...

Ditto of course to both ladies. You are gorgeous Melina! Even when you are being the biggest nerd! I love you bunches and am so looking forward to our date on Wednesday! :o)

Kabe said...

Oh Melina, those pics. are great!If i had one half as good as those I would probably use that instead of my lame flip flop I fell like I havn't seen you since you did devoted (witch I miss by the way). I can't wait 'till your next writing class! I'M BOARD!! And I had no idea you were making another cd. What's it called? Is there a waiting list? how do I get on it? lol.

Unknown said...

A new CD?! Oh how exciting!!! The pictures are quite hilarious but your are gorgeous none the less! Maybe we can catch up while I'm home for break? I think it would be lovely!

BrittanyMarie said...

Oh, Melina, no matter what you say, you are cute all the time! : )

Lil Hippo said...

You are so beautiful!
I bet you had a blast doing all that posing! :)