Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Email Etiquette

I had an embarrassing snafu come up today. I use a Gmail account and even though I've had it for about a year, sometimes the layout is confusing to me. See, I've used Outlook for ages and in that program, whenever a new piece of mail comes in-whether a reply, forward, whatever-it will show up as unread and new.
With Gmail, new mail shows up like that but replies are a little different, they show up as a new piece of mail attached to the original...great idea right? It keeps all your conversations tied together, very cool, love it, awesome, yada, yada. BUT! Sometimes I'm not the best at keeping up on mail- I mean I let weeks go by sometimes without checking email (horrors!) and so there are times where the inbox gets full of (usually J.Jill offers) stuff and replies to older mail get lost. Are you following me? As my brother would say: it's user error and I take full responsibility for my careless email habits.
Very unfortunately though, the snafu came up in a business/professional relationship and while the other party involved was incredibly gracious, I still felt like a real heel for not staying up on my correspondence. How lame!
So, here's to being a little more responsible regarding my email etiquette.
Has anyone else felt my pain or am I the only one who has made this mistake? (Please say I'm not the only one...)


Anonymous said...

You are not the only one. I thought I was the only one who cannot make sense of gmail. I like outlook better so I usually just watch the little pop-up whenI sign in that shows my new email (at least the first 30) and maybe I'll go check it out if I don't forget. I've missed things that way, too.
I'm off to check my gmail and my much more ignored msn account!

The Amber Canary said...

Oh good, it's not just me! Man! I felt like the biggest dufus. Thanks for cheering me up with this news- Yay! I'm not the only one!